A Straight Path

And we know that ALL things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

At the beginning of each school year I’ve always been part of an open house at the school.  Parents and students  come by the classroom, meet the teacher, fill out forms, check out the classroom, and chat with their friends.  This past year I had a unique experience during open house.  As one of the parents was visiting the classroom, she said something that made me do a double-take.   She said that when she knew she was moving to the area she looked up teachers’ websites and read their bios.  When she read mine, she stopped looking.  She said she knew I was the teacher for her child, and from that point on, she just prayed.  I remember thinking at the time how unusual it was for a parent to share something like that. And I remember thinking how amazing it is to see God at work for our good.  After the open house, I pretty much forgot about it until much later in the year.  I was talking to this same parent about her child and some of the things that were going on at school.  She once again shared the story about, as she puts it, “stalking” me on the internet.  I know that God crossed our paths for a reason….so does she.

I realized today that I spend far too much time stressing out about relationships when I should be focusing on the people God has placed in my path.  I realized today that the ALL in Romans 8:28 doesn’t just mean the bad things or the sad things, it means ALL things.

And while I have had this thought a few times recently, today I realized that God placed me at that school so that I would be there to meet this parent, this child, this family.  There were other reasons I was there, other families, other children, other people,  but meeting this family was the thing I was waiting for. Now this leg of my journey is done.  I move on, a little sad, but mostly excited to see what God has planned for me now.  This is God working ALL things together for good.

The first step to finding God’s calling in your life is to seek Him! Get into His word!  Know that there will be opposition and distractions.  Difficult people.  Unexpected problems. It’s up to you to trust God and seek Him.  When you are seeking God, He will show you things you never saw before. He will make it clear to you where you should go.

 Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight.  Proverbs 3:5-6

What is God showing you today? Where is He leading you?




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